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Re: [microsound] [OT] FCC Insanity
on 12/15/04 3:34 PM, Jason Thomas at mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm just curious about people's experience in other
> parts of the country since W was reelected regarding
> the new degree of confidence/fascism exhibited by the
> right wing since Nov. 2. I have a couple anecdotes
> regarding radio:
> At my current day job, coworkers usually listen to the
> rap station here in L.A. I have, as a result,
> incidentally heard the new snoop dog song several
> times since its release roughly two months ago. When
> it was first played, only instances of the "seven
> dirty words" were cut. No surprise there. After
> hearing the song broadcast a couple times, the words
> "gun" and "AK47" were cut. A couple weeks later I
> noticed that the words "crip" and "blue" were censored
> as well, where they had not been before. (Referring,
> respectively, to the L.A. based crips gang and the
> color with which they are associated.) More recently,
> the word "pig", in reference to the police, as well as
> the words "gansta" and "hoe" have also been edited.
> Needless to say, I am somewhat surprised by the
> "snowball" effect that has taken place with editing in
> this particular song, along with others which I have
> not mentioned. Why are words NOT on the list of seven
> you absolutely can not say being taken out, and more
> importantly, why now instead of when initially
> released? After mentioning this situation with a
> friend, I was told that Howard Stern said on today's
> show that some of his markets are now editing every
> instance of the word "sex." Some have apparently been
> even more liberal with their cuts, editing entire
> sections of the broadcast that deal with a subject
> matter deemed inappropriate, regardless of how it is
> addressed.
> It is apparent that the FCC has such control over
> deciding what is "indecent" without quantifying what
> constitutes such a charge or providing any guidelines
> as to how to avoid it, that most stations would rather
> cut anything with the remote possibility of generating
> a warning and/or actual fine than deal with the
> costly, lengthly, and potentially unsuccessful battle
> with this organization. It seems as if one right wing
> zealot can call up a station, threaten to file a
> complaint, and the station will just say fuck it and
> back down.
> I can't say that I have any solution to this
> situation, certainly not one that does not involve the
> elapse of four years. I am simply curious of others
> experience with this type of activity across the U.S.
> Has it had a negative impact of anyone's work on the
> list?
> Later,
> Jason Thomas
> =====
> Jason Thomas
> 346 N. Vermont Ave. # 615
> Los Angeles, CA 90004
> (323) 661-8093
> http://www.jason-thomas.org
> mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Sometimes it is the artist who is insane.....
creativity is a beautiful thing, but the problem with some is that they are
not responsible enough for it. similar to a father who abandons his child.
i suppose, and i don't agree with all censorship , but "sometimes" censoring
bullshit out of mainstream is necessary because it appeals to the low points
and in effect only shapes a poorer culture by acknowledging it while sucking
with it the innocent ,possibly even your kid before his reasoning skills
mature...take a good look at urban America, drugs are rampant , more
homicides then any where else in the world...lack of culture... no clue to
what art is, forget about education, obesity, mental health, overcrowded
prisons, no sense of value other than bitches and hoes ,shall i go on???
america is in a crisis, dude....so how does "hoe" and "gansta" improve the
situation by slamming and celebrating this over radio waves??
do you prefer that the poor urban American remain where he is as cheap labor
or the puppet for the rich??? think buddy... things have to change... gansta
rap had its days , and it certainly hasnt done much good except hurt African
Americans, its time to move on.... a tribe called quest and the like , that
was hiphop...that was relevant, cool and innovative...and similar artist
should be celebrated that push artistic/intellectual envelops not bullshit
and violence, enough of that.ive noticed many cool artists leaving for
Europe because its becoming impossible for anything here.
but your concern is that if it starts here it will move on to other areas,
if you think that , your paranoid. Walk into any experimental/techno record
shop and tell me how much censorship you see there.
just my opinion...
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