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[microsound] Re: [phonography] seeking a contact for Thanos Chrysakis.


As far as I know, azimuths@xxxxxxxxxxxxx is still his e-mail
address. I am also sending this to him, so if it returns to me then
maybe he changed it recently.

Best, Dale

Dale Lloyd:  http://www.and-oar.org/dalelloyd.html
and/OAR:  http://www.and-oar.org/

NEW: Turba / Lateral Minor (Stasisfield.com) 
NEW: Volatile And Fixed Principles (leerraum)

I'm wondering (and hoping) that someone on the list can help put me in 
touch with the sound artist Thanos Chrysakis, or even if you are on 
this list yourself Thanos. I've been emailing a freenet uk address but 
it's being returned.

This is quite urgent and concerns 'drift | resonant cities' (of which I 
am the curator.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.


Robert King


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