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[microsound] privilege, boundaries and class
I undoubtedly feel privileged to be a
musician, to be able to think about such things, and to live in the
country in
which I live, the recent political situation notwithstanding.
that statement is another discussion altogether...but in passing: why
do you feel privileged to live in your country - which I am assuming to
be the US given the reference to the 'recent political situation' in
your statement...but most countries have had 'recent political
situations' and I could be wrong here...
also, aren't borders/nation-states et. al. just 'artificial' constructs
that we are sold through indoctrination and media? and if they are
artificial why do we cling to them? what real purpose do these
boundaries serve?
in any event, by using the term 'privilege' I didn't mean 'the feeling
of gratitude' but an 'immunity' from the underlying mechanisms and
agendas of consumer capitalism...a state of 'privilege' tends to blind
those who have had life-long indoctrination by western power
structures...our privileged way of life colors how we see things (or
not see things), our unquestioned bourgeois life-style of convenience
which some person in a remote part of the planet has made available to
us through their labor...we wall all this off so that it remains
hidden...this is the psychic defense mechanism of 'freedom' we learn to
acquire in a late stage capitalist society...a system where markets
aren't free but manipulated and programmed to benefit the corporate
power structures that sustain them...
unless of course it's fashionable to participate in a PC-feel-good
fashion marketing plan...e.g. last night I heard something on NPR w/r/t
Bank of America building a 'green' skyscraper in NYC - Bof A's real
motives are submerged while the consumer gets the friendly face on all
this posturing...if BofA were really to be effective at being 'green'
they would take their resources and re-distribute it to building an
infrastructure of greenness rather than erecting a monument to their
own political-correctness...not that what they are doing is 'wrong' per
se but that is another discussion and I am digressing...the point being
that privilege creates a state of being made politically unaware and
isolated by the very act of consumption...
sorry for the fragmented scattered thoughts but still nursing my first
cup of French roast! :)
However, for
anyone who owns a computer to take someone to task for a position they
as bourgeois is beyond rich, in my opinion.
you are misreading the term bourgeois...I mean it as more of a mind-set
and less of a power to consume afforded to particular class
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