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[microsound] CONTENTS ONDA SONORA 19/01/05


Radio Círculo de Bellas Artes 100.4 FM - Miércoles/Wednesday 15h - www.circulobellasartes.com 

Radio Autónoma 88.8 FM - Mar-Jue/Tue-Thu 16h - www.uam.es/ra

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Track: 1 

Album: Skizzen

Label: Bine

Comenzamos con el suizo Ralph Steinbrüchel y su nuevo trabajo para el sello alemán Bine Records, una obra minimalista y contemplativa titulada "Skizzen", un mosaico de texturas sonoras entre la frialdad de Richard Chartier y los bocetos policromáticos de Taylor Deupree, un arranque cargado de intenciones para el programa de hoy, que pretende rozar lo subliminal

Today we begin with Ralph Steinbrüchel (Switzerland) and his new work for the German imprint Bine Records, a minimalist and contemplative work entitled "Skizzen", a mosaic of sound textures between Richard Chartier's coldness and Taylor Deupree's multi-coloured sketches

02. SHUTTLE 358 

Track: Ask 

Album: Chessa

Label: 12K 

El californiano Dan Abrams, Shuttle 358, con su nuevo trabajo, "Chessa", el cuarto de su carrera y el tercero en el sello 12K, que dirige precisamente desde Nueva York Taylor Deupree. Continuamos con ambientes confeccionados a base de microsonidos, esta vez en un tono algo más humano y menos distante

The Californian Dan Abrams, Shuttle 358, with his new work "Chessa", the fourth in his career and the third in the 12K imprint that is directed from New York by Taylor Deupree. We continue with atmospheres made up with microsounds, this time with a more human and less more distant approach


Track: Dronæment

Album: Ezoterick Soundzcapes CDR

Label: Mystery Sea

Los sonidos de Dronaement, proyecto en solitario iniciado a finales de los 90 por el alemán Marcus Obst, un explorador del underground que ha colaborado en los últimos tiempos con Jim de Jong y Sebastien Roux, y que presenta un nuevo trabajo en solitario, "Ezoteric Soundzcapes", editado desde Bélgica por Mystery Sea

The sounds of Dronaement, solo project began in the late 90s by the German Marcus Obst, a explorer of the underground scene that has collaborated in the last times with Jim de Jong and Sebastien Roux. Now he presents a new solo work, "Ezoteric Soundzcapes", released in Mystery Sea, from Belgium


Track: Calm Of The Cast-Light Cloud Crocodile) 

Album: Talk Amongst The Trees 

Label: Temporary Residence

Suenan los sonidos tratados de guitarra y piano, que dan un toque minimalista y emotivo al mismo tiempo a este "Talk Amongst The Trees", tercer disco en la compañía Temporary Residence del joven Matthew Cooper, Eluvium, desde la costa oeste de los Estados Unidos

The treated guitar and piano sounds give a minimalist and emotive touch at the same time to this "Talk Amongst The Trees", third record in the Temporary Residence company for the young Matthew Cooper, Eluvium, residing in the U.S. Western Coast 


Track: Tested By Habit, Strata And Brine

Album: Swimming Against The Moments

Label: Antiopic 

Aterrizamos en Nueva York para escuchar a James Elliott, más conocido por su sobrenombre Ateleia, quien incorpora en su debut sonidos de múltiples fuentes que procesa según patrones y estructuras conscientemente cercanos al pop, al ambient y a la electrónica, aunque manteniendo toques austeros, desencajados e hipnóticos: este es el corte final de "Swimming Against The Moments"

We land in New York to listen to James Elliott, better known for his Ateleia moniker, who incorporates in his debut sounds from multiple sources that are processed according to patterns and structures consciously near to pop music, ambient and electronica, although maintaining an austere, disjointed and hypnotic touch: this it is the final track of "Swimming Against The Moments"


Artist: William Basinski 

Title: Silent Night 

Label: 2062 

Último trabajo publicado por William Basinski en su propio sello 2062, uno de los muchos proyectos de este neoyorkino de adopción en el campo audiovisual, aunque sobre todo destaca como investigador de la escucha subconsciente, a través de largas obras que se valen de loops de cinta, emisiones de radio y, como en este caso, sintetizadores electrónicos. "Silent Night" dura una hora de la que vas a poder escuchar una extensa muestra de 20 minutos

The last work released by William Basinski in his own 2062 label, one of the many projects of this adopted-newyorker in the audiovisual field, although he is mainly known as an investigator of subconscious listening, through long works that use tape loops, radio emissions and, like in this case, electronic synthesizers


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Note: This is an undemanded message, but we have considered it could be interesting for you. If that?s not the case, then reply us with this subject for the message: "delete me", and you will be inmediately out from the mailing. Thank you
