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[microsound] Tiramizu _ new cds !
[english and french mixed]
cdr 007
"Un disque, deux artistes, un par canal donc de la stéréo,
c'est magique, la musique est pile entre vos deux oreilles"
"a cd, two artists, one on left and the other one on right
magic stereo, your head is just in the middle of the music"
cdr 008
Pacjap est la réunion de 8 artistes français et japonais plus
une machine, le D-system. On peut être japonais et chanter la
Marseillaise à tue tête.
"PacJap is gathering 8 french and japanese artists with a machine,
the D-system. One can be a japanese guy and sings loudly La
OUT NOW !!!!!
Topographie des terror
audio cdr
D-system V.1.0
audio cdr
more infos :::: http://www.tiramizu.net
Laurent Dailleau is the sole French Theremin virtuoso player, hyperactive
musician on the different international scenes of electroacoustic and
improvised music featuring into festivals like Musique Action , and with
cd releases on Sonoris , 33revpermi, 23five .
K.T. Toeplitz is the sole French BassComputer virtuoso player, hyperactive
musician on the different international scenes of electroacoustic and
composed music featuring into festivals like März Musik , and with cd
releases on Sonoris, RecordingsOfSleazeArt, 23five, Vice Schalplatten.
Functions of the machine:
to disable the common activities as playing an instrument or speaking
or also making sound activities. Maybe we can use it to transform a
keyboarded text to a kind of musical sounds.
The real project is to take a reality or an activity and to give
another reality, so the user must learn or use his environment in a
different manner than normally.
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