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[microsound] [ot] World Wide Ambient Vigil for Aceh
Time. 22 Jan 9:30pm to 23 Jan 9am
World Wide Ambient Vigil for Aceh
My name is Pei, I am a visiting sound artist here in Berlin and currently
organizing an event to rise an awareness of ongoing project "Nature force",
combining with the Indonesian aiding event "Ambient Vigil for Aceh" which
was originally announced by Jimmy Wang. He is a photojournalist based in
Jakarta. His purpose of this event is to mediate with helps as well as to
raise a fund for Aceh through donation. This event will be held on 22nd and
23rd of Jan by several cities across the global including UK, US, AUS,
TAIWAN, JAPAN, INDONESIA. I would like to progress this event here as part
in Berlin. At the moment I am asking Indonesian youth association to
participate. The possible location may be one of the studio room in
universitat der kunst Berlin or screening venue.
Please send email to me regards to subject of "Nature Force" if you are :
+ sound artists/musicians play live, ambient music in varieties.
+ video artist with still, motion for reprojection.
+ one whom have concerns are related.
+ one could advice equipments and better location.
Plz forward this message to people that you know might be interested.
Warm appreciated.
Programer + Pei, Shiho Sato
+ World Wide Ambient Vigil for Aceh Bolg + http://blog.winggang.com
+ Jimmy Wang's personal WebSite + www.winggang.com
+ Pei's personal WebSite + www.post-concrete.com/pei
+ email to vul3jp6p@xxxxxxxxx
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