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[microsound] Expo 966 call - final reminder!

17-20 JUNE 2005
In conjunction with University of Hull, Scarborough Campus

Expo 966 is an opportunity to showcase the work of the best UK
practitioners, to meet, listen and respond. After the success of last year¹s
highly eclectic event in Leicester the focus now shifts northward with a
packed weekend of SAN curated action hosted in association with The
University of Hull, Scarborough Campus. This weekend of performance,
exhibition and presentation will take place across a variety of public
venues and spaces in Scarborough including concert halls, bars and
nightclubs, each reflecting the unique culture of this northern seaside
town. The weekend aims to highlight the broadest possible range of
approaches and thinking that surrounds the sonic arts. We welcome
submissions of all kinds.

There is no charge for the submission or acceptance of work, and indeed
entry to the weekend continues to be free to all members of Sonic Arts
Network with most events free to all members of the public. We do ask that
selected artists attend the event. This call is open to all UK practitioners
and all international members of Sonic Arts Network.

Call for Works, Papers and Commission Proposals


Submissions are sought in all forms of sonic art including real-time
interactive works, improvisation with technology, experimental electronica,
instrumental/electroacoustic mixes, acousmatic music, installations,
environmental sound work, performances, internet-based creative work, sound
and image works and cross-arts work. Though we welcome submissions of all
kinds we are particularly keen to receive submissions that reflect in some
way the cultural context of Scarborough.

Works must have been created after January 2004.

Some resources are limited and, for example performers must be supplied by
the submitting artists, however a range of performance and presentation
spaces will be available at The Spa Centre on the Scarborough seafront
(including a large auditorium with open stage and a generous bar space
suitable for less formal concert presentation) and the Campus Centre,
University of Hull Scarborough Campus  (including two performance spaces, a
bar space equipped with PA system and video projection and multiple rooms of
various sizes for the presentation of installation work). There is also
scope for outdoor performance and we will be staging late bar gigs on every
night of the conference including a Friday evening opening gig at the Ocean
Room at the Spa Complex on the Scarborough seafront and an exclusive
electro-cabaret event for late Saturday night.

Available equipment will include: a multi-channel sound diffusion system
catering for projection of stereo and multi-channel works (ADAT or hard
disk) and smaller, adaptable stereo systems suitable for installation work,
Macintosh G5 (dual processing) and G4 computers (OSX and OS9.2) with
Digi001, 002 and MOTU 828 Firewire (mark one) audio interfaces. Video
projection facilities are also available.

Research Papers

Aurality and Identity

Aurality and Identity is the theme of the final day of the conference
(Monday 20 June 2005) that will be devoted to research presentations
relating to the ever-increasing presence, and wider understanding of, the
social implications of sound. This is to include the use of sound in
projects and works that address concepts of cultural, social and political
identities as well as the role played by aurality in learning and
communication with regard to social development and education theory.
Presentations may take the form of written papers or discussions of
creative, research or practical work (including work in progress).
Presenters should plan for 20 minutes presentation time and a further 10
minutes discussion time will be allowed.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions of papers and works should include:

_ Title of work/paper
_ Name of author(s)
_ Contact details (name, address, telephone/fax, email, URL)
_ Brief bio (150 words max.)
_ Description of artistic concept (250 words max.)/Abstract summary of paper
(500 words max.)
_ For artistic submissions, the role of technology in realisation of work
(100 words max.)
_ Technical resources required for presentation (specifying those that can
be supplied by the artist in the case     of artistic submissions)
_ For artistic submissions an audio/video example of work (CD or link to www

*Please note, we require the written information to be emailed to Dan Stone
at dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and clearly labelled hardcopy of examples of
work to be sent to:

Expo 966
Sonic Arts Network
The Jerwood Space
171 Union St
United Kingdom

Deadline for proposals: 31 January 2005


In addition to our call for existing works, we are once again pleased to
offer two commission opportunities for the creation of new works to be
premiered at the Conference. Proposals for work are invited from British
artists or artists living and working in the UK. A sum of £1000 is offered
for the creation, production and realisation of new work.

Place, Environment, Location, Identity

Works that address these themes and specifically the context of Scarborough,
it¹s landscape, environment, history, culture and people are particularly

Commission proposals should include:

_ Title of work
_ Your name
_ Your contact details (name, address, telephone/fax, email, URL)
_ A brief biography (150 words max.)
_ Audio/video example of your previous work (or link to www site)
_ A Description of the artistic concept to be commissioned (500 words max.)
_ The technical resources required for the presentation (specifying those
which will be supplied by the artist)
_ A simple budget specifying your fee, the production and material costs,
presentation/performance costs, other costs (and any other sources of
funding where required)

*Please note, we require the written information to be emailed to
dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and clearly labelled hardcopy examples of work to
be sent to:

Expo 966 Commissions
Sonic Arts Network
The Jerwood Space
171 Union St
United Kingdom

Commission proposals should be clearly labelled and reach the Sonic Arts
Network office by January 31 2005

The time-scale for creation and completion of work is 1 March 2005 to 1 June
2005 and proposals should demonstrate a strategy/timetable for successful
completion within this period.

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