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Re: [microsound] book citations?

At 5:50 PM -0500 2/23/05, vze26m98@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>Anybody recall the titles/author of the, I believe TWO, books that 
>have come out recently treating the acoustic landscapes of the past?
>One I think dealt with London in Hogarth's time and the other,,,
>another English period.

Victorian Soundscapes
by John M. Picker

by Kay Kaufman Shelemay

The Audible Past: Cultural Origins of Sound Reproduction
by  Jonathan Sterne

The Auditory Culture Reader (Sensory Formations)
by  Michael Bull (Editor), Les Back (Editor)

The Audible Past: Cultural Origins of Sound Reproduction
by  Jonathan Sterne

Listening to Nineteenth-Century America
by Mark M. Smith

The Soundscape of Modernity: Architectural Acoustics and the Culture 
of Listening in America, 1900-1933
by Emily Thompson

Sensory Worlds in Early America
by Peter Charles Hoffer

How Early America Sounded 
by Richard Cullen Rath

Listening to Nineteenth-Century America 
by Mark M. Smith

Wild Soundscapes: Discovering the Voice of the Natural World
by Bernard L. Krause

Into a Wild Sanctuary: A Life in Music & Natural Sound
by Bernard L. Krause
