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Re: [microsound] Lemur!

the same philosophy would hold in vitro fetertilization as more
'progressive' than actual fucking.

Noel Peters wrote:

> This view always seems to me to be a view that subscribes to two camps:
> the "standing on the shoulders of giants" camp and the craft adds value
> to the art camp.
> Instruments comprise of an oscillator and a resonator. Acoustic
> instruments are limited by the physical bounds of what can be
> constructed, suffer from appalling ergonomics and demand the onerous
> learning of manual technique. Some people with particularly shaped hands
> and bodies are either fortunate or disadvantaged. These limitations seem
> to me to be boundaries that instrument designers would rather overcome.
> They also seem to be boundaries that some people embrace as noble
> aesthetic parameters prescribed by some higher order. I can't help
> seeing this perspective as arch-conservative and fundamentality limiting
> to progression. Perhaps some people prefer to look backwards.
>  Noel Peters

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