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Re: [microsound] Re: microsound Digest 17 Mar 2005 23:26:18 -0000 Issue 1374

heya kathy

tis true i have been thinking about/doing network music for a little while now and particularly (recently) in
the context of the specific projects you are mentioning here....
i'd love to include the microsound list on such a project - especially since i too am predominantly a lurker
here and want to be a good lil community member. the thing is how to include this large group of people
in a project that is intended to be (for example) point to point transmission of 8 channels of audio (where is
the intended audience and where is the space of interaction, etc.) i've got
some ideas and maybe one of them will even turn out to be good and feasible and i will invite the list and
all that...if people have done similar projects (large distributed network of participants who perform only in virtual
space interacting with a few participants in different physical spaces connecting their audio via broadband
connection.....or something of the sort....)
and can point me to their work please email me off list and we'll discuss.


On Mar 17, 2005, at 9:50 PM, kathy kennedy wrote:

re: Microsound Performance Project?
On Mar 17, 2005, at 3:26 PM, microsound-digest-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

This sounds like it was meant to happen.
I think I know how this should get done.

Pauline Oliveros has worked at this very kind of project of connecting performers via digital networking for decades now. She was just in Mtl. at the SAT, exploring the successful performances of 8 channel broadband diffusion. We have been doing it through McGill here for a while now. Pauline has also used this format at RPI (Troy, NY) I believe.

I, having lurked for some time now, know that Tobias Van der Veen should get right on it and make this happen. Doug Van der Nort, you should help make it happen too!

I'm done but would simply like to be remembered for having brought it up first:-)

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