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RE: [microsound] Fibonacci in music

Well, I don't know if you can "wear out" something that may not be directly accessible to the listener...  Composers often find inspiration from engaging in rather arbitrary mathematical games (fibonacci, but also serialism, fugue, canon, etc.).  I think the real question is whether such techniques are useful springboards for the composer's imagination.  Such games do seem to provide helpful limitations, since (unless you believe in some myth of "dialectical" progress) the thought of all available musical choices in the postmodern era can be rather overwhelming.


David Powers
DePaul University, School of Education
Department of Leadership in Education, Language, and Human Services

>>> davigoli@xxxxxxxxxxx 03/21/05 08:20AM >>>
No joke, I understand the rock band Tool uses the fibonacci series in one of
their songs (hence the genre name "math rock").  ;-)  Might be an
interesting reference if this is for a paper...

It seems that direct use of mathematical proportions is becoming quite
common nowadays, especially when composers for the last 60-70 years have
been so driven on using math and math-like processes to drive their
compositions.  I've seen literally dozens of compositions that have an
evident use of the fibonacci series or its relative, the golden section, and
I've used it myself.  Not that I can blame them - it's quite an appealing
proportion - but it might be starting to wear out from overuse.

>From: Mika Martini <mikamartini@xxxxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [microsound] Fibonacci in music
>Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 13:33:39 -0600 (CST)
>Hi microsounders.
>Please, if somebody have information, info, examples or music proyect
>produced around of the Fibonacci number, teory or similar, I appreciate
>very much.
>PD: Very insteresting the laptop perfomance discussion!
>Best regards, Mika Martini.
>[M!M] [SCL]
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