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Re: [microsound] laptop performance / locative media
The idea of 'performing' with field recordings (i.e. if it's possible to
transmit your location recording while listening to the way they're being
processed simultaneously) is an interesting one...i wonder how feasible this
is ?
Kind of the nadir of true free improvisation.
I'd like to try, but unfortunately I haven't got a cellphone...if something
like this were in fact possible it might just make me finally get one,
On 3/17/05 7:29 PM, "chad vollrath" <cjv106@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have been thinking a bit about a possible performance that implements
> several laptops and mobile devices. I'm working on a project called MapHub
> right now (which I believe I mentioned on here one other time -
> www.maphub.org). MapHub is an internet application that can store sounds,
> images and video from mobile devices. We are considering putting together
> a performance in which we ask the audience to call our number where they
> record audio into their cell phones immediately prior to the show (field
> recordings of street noise, or whatever they want). These sounds are
> immediately upped to the database, and the musicians process the sounds on
> stage (we would of course need to be connected to the net - a hotspot would
> be ideal). I don't know how this would turn out, or how it would sound. I
> imagine that the musicians (of which I would be one) would need at least a
> little prep. time in order to isolate some sounds that might serve as a
> percussive backdrop - something to give the piece some structure. I also
> imagine that the audience - whether in a bar or not - would be more engaged
> with the laptop performance, precisely because they have helped to produce
> it (I know that I'd listen for the sound I recorded).
> I think that it is interesting that we now have the opportunity to rely on
> the technology that the audience brings strapped to their bodies as
> constitutive elements of the performance. (There are certainly issues here
> that I'm not entirely comfortable with - I don't want to "celebrate the
> liberating power of the cell phone" by any means. Nor do I want to
> construct a performance atmosphere that excludes people based on class and
> tech-literacy.)
> The MapHub application also has the ability to record the location that the
> sound came from (given that the person who records it is able to identify
> the location and enter it into their phone/PDA/or other mobile
> device). But I don't know if this would be useful for a performance.
> What do you all think - any ideas? Feedback? Does anyone know of any
> similar projects?
>> devslashnull writes:
>> I think the issue surrounds how a performance is framed. A "recital" is
> different than a "presentation" than a "performance" than a "show".
> People (audience) bring different expectations to each. i think the
> problem arises when an artist is not aware or in control of how
> "whatever it is they do" is represented to the potential audience, by
> themselves by the promotional team or whoever is in control of the
> public face of the event.
> if a laptop performer agrees to play in a club, where typically rock
> bands, or DJ's play, and ends up on the flyer as "Live PA" or
> "Performance By", and then just stands behind the laptop and tweaks, I
> think people (audience) feel dissapointed, or less engaged. This
> obviously does not apply to all audience members. I guess speaking for
> myself, I just am less interested these days in going to a"club-type"
> laptop show, because the listening environment (and since the LISTENING
> becomes the key factor most of the time) is less than optimal if it is
> at a club type event. People drinking talking, smoking etc... thats
> just not conducive to a great listen.
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