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Re: [microsound] GSS_GOLD_rev1.pdf

May I get a hotline password?  (Website says to contact you) - I'd
really like to read this essay, I'm examining issues around laptop
performance currently.

>>> kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 03/15/05 02:06PM >>>
I just placed another text on the hotline server in->
this was originally published in a book on Sound Art co-pub'd by Mille

Plateaux...abstract below:
'Grain, Sequence, System'
[three levels of reception in the performance of laptop music]
The increasing use of laptop computers in the performance of electronic

music has resurrected timeworn issues for both musicians and audiences.

Liberated by the use of the laptop as a musical instrument, musicians 
have blurred the boundaries separating studio and stage, as well as the

corresponding authorial and performance modes of work. On the other 
hand, audiences experience the laptop's use as a musical instrument
a violation of the codes of musical performance. This is not a new 
issue for electronic music: the lack of visual stimuli while performing

on technological "instruments" has plagued electronic music for
over 40 
years with little progress in providing solutions. This essay discusses

issues of performance from the point of view of how electronic music is

received rather than how it is presented. Drawing on concepts found in

"reception theory," I will examine three levels of reception
in the performance of laptop music as used in the performance of 
contemporary electronic music. These three levels are: the grain of 
laptop performance, the sequence of historical linkages, and the system

of super-culture and its effect of the reception apparatus of the 

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