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Re: [microsound] noise to signal (subjective...)

Why not just make a page on microsound.org for releases and shows, then just insert a link in the signature of the mailing list.. If people are interested, then they could click to the page.

On Mar 11, 2005, at 5:14 PM, dkl37@xxxxxxxx wrote:

status: I have asked Andy Thomas (one of the three founders of the
microsound list) to see how trivial creating an adjunct list would
be...so when I get a clear idea as to where it will be hosted I will

Hi Kim. Coming from a label standpoint, I think theoretically, it *could*
and *should* be an effective idea, however a prime example of what
happens to such list groups is the rather miserable "Wire magazine" Yahoo
How many subscribers are actual readers, as opposed to the people posting
the notices? My guess is that the percentage is very low, therefore
most of the subscribers are probably on digest version or use the option
to not recieve e-mails from the group, just so they can post their own
e-mails when they need to.

Having said that, I would likely subscribe to such a .microsound
group in favor of this one because I just don't have time to follow the
threads pertaining to "philosophical/technical aspects of creating music
using software", but I do need a venue to post occasional release notices
and label updates, so what the hades am I still doing here !? ;-)

Best, Dale

Dale Lloyd:  http://www.and-oar.org/dalelloyd.html
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