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[microsound] Resonance FM benefit video screening at the Horse Hospital

Urban Tales, Urban Sounds, the second annual Resonance FM benefit screening
of experimental videos at The Horse Hospital will take place on March 5,
2005, curated by Zev Robinson www.artafterscience.com in collaboration with
Laure Prouvost and tank.tv. Starts at 8pm, doors open at 7:30, tickets

Mitsunory Asakura - www.bobfoundation.com
Anouk de Clercq - www.portapak.be
John Hartley - www.ambivalency.net
James Hollands - www.thehorsehospital.com
Sara Kolster - www.umatic.nl
Wolfe Lenkiewicz - www.porteliotlitfest.com
,www.t12artspace.com/thepark2.htm, www.t12artspace.com/hangman1.htm,
Nina Liao - www.fakedesign.co.uk
Matthew Noel-Tod - mnoeltod@xxxxxxxxxxx
Laure Prouvost - www.tank.tv
Zev Robinson - www.artafterscience.com, www.zrdesign.co.uk
Manuel Saiz - www.saiz.co.uk, www.thevideoartfoundation.com
Erica Scourti escorchi@xxxxxxxxxxx
Solu - www.solu.org
Jenny Springer - l@xxxxxxxxxxxx

The Horse Hospital is a minute from the Russell Square Tube, on the
Colonnade, contact details here -

Appologies for x-posting

Zev Robinson

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