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Re: [microsound] at last: the minimal techno soap opera
This is quite amusing actually, I saw this last Friday. My personal
favorite "episode"---
Magda: Hey Richie, do you know that: "Because things are the way they
are, they will not stay the way they are"
Richie: How do you mean Magda?
Magda: Well, Berthold Brecht said that. Does he mean that if things
arent the way they were then they might be something else?
Richie: No Magda, I think he means we should use these laptops and
ipods to make minimal sounds.
Ricardo: Hey Magda, Richie, whats going on?
Magda: Hey Ricardo, we're just talking about Berthold Brecht. Do you
know that he said: "Because things are the way they are, they will not
stay the way they are"??
Ricardo: wow! what a minimal coincidence! I just bought you both a
t-shirt with "Because things are the way they are, they will not stay
the way they are" written all over it!!!
Richie: well what do you know! son of a gun - how fucking cool is it to
be in Berlin?
Magda: pretty fucking cool Richie, pretty fucking cool!
David Powers
Faculty Assistant
DePaul University, School of Education
Department of Leadership in Education, Language, and Human Services
>>> grahammiller@xxxxxxxxxxxx 04/18/05 12:00PM >>>
you too can follow the adventures of richie, magda and ricardo in
ubercool trendy berlin, epicentre of ableton electronic music, final
scratchery, and home to the stars of spacebar music.
humour? music? techno? impossible but true.
an except:
Ricardo: Hey Richie, its so fucking great being us! You know while the
lumpen proletariat who thinks there are only 3 dimensions (yes! Only
go to do their "jobs" we can be here playing minimalness in this
Ubercoolische bunker right here in the centre of Ubercoolische
Richie: Yeah Ricardo I hear you bro! Lets drop another Helmut
Bumpuscher! Wow! Look at that crowd out there. It is littered with
outsider-artists and assorted freaks looped into the electronic
borderlands that form the dystopia that is today's Berlin!
Magda: That's what I was just about to say Richie!
Ricardo: Do you see what Im wearing guys?
Richie: A pair of eye glasses?
Ricardo: Nein dumkopf! I am wearing goggles that enable me to view
through the prism of a dialectical society that's reinventing logic
experience rather than predetermined systems of belief!! Can't you
Magda: Cool! They make you twinkle with innocence and romance Ricardo!
Ricardo: "innocence and romance" is my middle name Magda!
Magda: I thought your middle name was "Corazon de mi alcachofa".
Ricardo: that was my middle name yesterday Magda ? shouldn't you be
making yourself useful and pouring the drinks or something?.........
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