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Re: [microsound] sonymash

I have a hard time believing that mashups challenge
Sony or any other label.  They certainly don't
dissuade anyone from buying the records.  If anything,
they are an indicator of pop status.  I would argue
that the only difference between radio play and
mashups in this respect is that the radio stations pay


--- JPaul23@xxxxxxx wrote:
> In a message dated 11/04/2005 17:53:58 GMT Daylight
> Time, 
> kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> > I find this interesting that Sony have bought a
> software tool that
> > >clearly used for mash-ups.  A lot of Sony records
> artists like Destinys
> > >Child have been the victim of mash-ups, bootlegs,
> bastard pop or
> > >whatever.  You would think they would be against
> tools that make the
> > >job easy.  Saying that, there must be reason why
> a lot of pop singles
> > >come with a cappellas.  Maybe Sony are using ACID
> as a carrot to lead
> > >donkey bedroom musicians in a direction that
> benefits the record
> > >industry somehow?
> > >
> > >Hmmm.... actually, that's a bit far fetched...
> maybe?
> > >
> > this is a very interesting point and one worth
> discussing on the 
> > list...I remember reading an essay somewhere
> recently about this very 
> > conundrum, i.e. a publishing company manufacturing
> the software tools 
> > for its own 'subversion' (I use that term
> loosely)...but then 
> > capitalism does just this: 'produces the means to
> its own demise'
> > 
> > 
>   the mash-up artistes are already being co-opted
> into the mainstream, one of 
> the most popular ones from last year, which was Cars
> by Gary Numan with the 
> Sugababes layered on top was actually rerecorded
> properly by Richard X and 
> released by The Sugarbabes, got quite high in the UK
> pop charts, may even have 
> been number one.
> "He who has rejected his demons badgers us to death
> with his angels"
> Henri Michaux
> www.flickr.com/photos/jpaul23/

Andrew Benson

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