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[microsound] Re: microsound Digest 7 Apr 2005 19:48:38 -0000 Issue 1387

Overall, I have to say, not that you are wrong exactly, but that I
think you should make your point a little more narrowly.  It's not
always bad to have an efficient, pre-packaged computing solution to a
particular problem.  Just because I'm learning PD shouldn't mean I can't
still write other kinds of music that utilize my 18 years experience of
composing and performing.  Not everyone who makes good art is a computer
expert (though I hope to be that also someday).  Perhaps your critique
applies better to certain genres of computer music creation, but not as
a general statement.

This is an excellent point. I think the notion that the only "pure experimental electronic music" can be made using PD or MAX is a bit narrow-minded and misses the point.

Does anyone begrudge a composer like Morton Feldman for not building his own piano?

You don't have to build your own instruments to be "creative."


john kannenberg

[ http://www.johnkannenberg.com ]

[ http://www.stasisfield.com ]

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