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[microsound] live

On 4/7/05 4:35 PM, "Jonathan Hughes" <jonathan@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>> in what way was Live geared towards performance and how was ACID not?
>> please describe?
> Acid seems more like a regular DAW, but with a heavy focus on using and
> manipulating loops, while Live was designed for live peformance, so
> although it can use a linear timeline (like Acid), it has a lot of
> features that make it very easy to arrange, trigger, manipulate, effect,
> and mix audio on the fly.
> It's been a long time since I played around with Acid, but I don't recall
> it having any of the things that make Live so nice for live performance
> (or at least they weren't implemented in such an intuitive way as they are
> in Live).
> Jonathan
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