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Re: [microsound] digital (was Make your own vinyl)
"Mr.D" wrote:
> I have to admit my mouth is somewhat agape from this sort of tunnel
> vision.
part of me is playing devil's advocate here... so lighten up.
> While digital media will certainly continue to flourish, I disagree
> that there is an 'aesthetic' that is specific to digital media.
yes. yes, there actually is a digital aesthetic. without the 100 page
essay, look into glitch as a genre, or any other digital music that is
self-referential. the second people start composing music out of granular
synthesis or buffer overrided drum patterns, they are engaging a digital
aesthetic. yeesh... and i though this was the microsound list, not the
bluegrass list...
> With
> your argument intact, a guitarist who does nothing but release
> digital files of their acoustic work exists outside of the 'digital
> vacuum', but the aesthetic of the music doesn't change (perhaps in
> some cases it might if we were arguing live vs. recorded).
no. that guitarist is trying to use the digital media as transparently as
possible, no mask its inherent digital qualities. the myths of transparency
and fidelity are very much at the root of musical stagnation and
> I'm not so sure a discussion of aesthetics even includes the presence
> of 1 & 0's or an analog signal.
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