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Re: [microsound] brendan palmer . . . . . . . . . . . b a d

dear bryan,

i have never seen your name on the microsound list; so needless to say
i was caught a little bit off guard by yr recent email.

i deeply appreciate the work of Brendan Palmer. specifically his
recent bass solo contributions as 'rubber johnny'... obviously over
the years a number of stories have circulated about Brendan!... his
endless synth masterpieces. i've also heard that he dated Morgan
Freeman and wrote 1/2 of elvis' songs. i'm not sure if any of that is
true but check out this picture of phil spector -

put 'em on the glass,


On 5/25/05, bryan garcia <brymoxine@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> shit B , ? <
> i thought you got the message.
> fuck ff
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