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RE: [microsound] niblock (woolgathering pretty diverse)

i believe the piece you are referring to is  the four-part "Requiem for Molly" from the album "Requia and Other Compositions".  I love Fahey's music, damn near all of it, but my love for him was only deepened upon reading his books: "How Bluegrass Music Destroyed My Life" and "Vampires Vultures", both of which are incredible, unique, endearing, challenging, wonderful.........Anybody else read these?  Wonderful antidote to much of the posturing and pretending that goes on in and around any kind of "scene", especially white boy music clubs that take themselves oh so serious and attempt to deny or obscure any of the messier aspects of existence with cynicism or spiritual materialism/technical jargon (ahem).  Fahey feeds them all crow and eats his own in one of the most involving displays of humanity I have ever witnessed.  Only made me appreciate his music more.  But, even more than Cage's "Silence", it made me look at my own life with very different, much wider, eyes.


> Somewhere around 20 to 30 years ago I heard a fahey piece, about 30 minutes
> long incorporating what I remember as being a Hitler speech, that was very
> moving/disturbing...the impression has never left me...does anyone know the
> name of it??....i agree that there are many composers/players that do not
> get mentioned enough/at all on the list..personally I appreciate the work of
> evan parker and his electroacoustic ensemble or the 'jazz?' collaborations
> of spring heel jack, albert ayler and other 'free jazz' players, john
> butcher, john Oswald, john zorn etc etc etc
> Michael North
> //*-----Original Message-----
> //*From: mhwrpc@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mhwrpc@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> //*Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:01 PM
> //*To: microsound
> //*Subject: Re: [microsound] niblock (woolgathering pretty diverse)
> //*
> //*re: phil niblock---i highly recommend TOUCH WORKS, FOR HURDY GURDY AND
> //*VOICE.  I find it hard to speak intelligently about this music, it has
> //*had such a profound effect on my listening/hearing/production.  I do find
> //*it interesting that there is not much discussion on this list of many of
> //*the artists on the fringe of what was once dubbed 'minimalism', much of
> //*my practice on computer sound production has been heavily influenced by
> //*people like Arnold Dreyblatt, Phil Niblock, Charlemagne Palestine, Henry
> //*Flynt, Pauline Oliveros, and Eliane Radique.  And while I love Autechre,
> //*John Cage, and Iannis Xenakis, I also love Fennesz and Pita.  But I would
> //*also place Raphael Toral's "Calm of Acceptance, Violence of Discovery"
> //*and Keith Fullerton Whitman's "Playthroughs" alongside any of the
> //*previously mentioned artists works.  These records undercut , for me, any
> //*intellectual interest I might have in arguing the
> //*objectification/commodification/reification/fetishization of recorded
> //*sound....they are quite simply beautiful, rich, and rewarding productions
> //*that I can listen to again and again.  Forgive me for name dropping, it's
> //*just that I've gotten a little tired of reading "new autechre" in the
> //*subject heading of so many emails for the last week.  Surely there are
> //*other interesting subjects old and new to occupy/unite/divide us.
> //*Anybody else love John Fahey as an author, guitar player, composer, and
> //*human being?
> //*
> //*mhwrpc
> //*
> //*
> //*> Can anyone recommend any works by Phil Niblock? I have 'Touch Food',
> //*> which is slowly becoming one of my favorite ambient releases, but I
> //*> gather that his work can be pretty diverse.
> //*>
> //*> Peter
> //*>
> //*>
> //*>
> //*> Yahoo! Mail
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