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Re: [microsound] new autechre

> I wonder if people here would disagree on, say, the
> music of John Cage,
> for example?

i have wondered about this (cage) in relation to
microsound as well. there is a lot to digest to get at
the comprehensive image of cage's work but the
discussion could take place between the shifting polar
centers of what you call algorithmic and the
non-intentional history extended through glitch. not
too long ago someone posted here that s/he could not
seriously listen to xenakis without knowing all the
mathematical tables were there, something allegedy
ensuring its validity as a "work". while i have
studied xenakis' "tables", i would never say that
cage's i-ching threads (computer-generated or not)
would make me feel more inclined to listen to his
work. there could be numerous other ways of
structuring the compositions. the concept of what
listening was for is renewed with cage. it was not a
mere gesture. what is most important is the
indeterminacy: a work written with indeterminacy as a
parameter means that each realization would be
different. the paradigm itself is somewhat at odds
with commodity. if works are so easily identifiable by
any elite as legitimate over against any others, we
may have lost the entire meaning of what art in the
twentieth century was adding up to. are microsounders
on the average more interested in process than
product? an answer perhaps as various as who logs

jeff gburek

> ~David
> >>> grahammiller@xxxxxxxxxxxx 05/05/05 01:25PM >>>
> there are many  brilliant and talented people on
> this list.
> anyway
> last time i checked art wasn't football.
> i think the IDM list is where you want to be
> where the high fives
> unquestioned warp worshipping
> and gratuitous male bonding
> will probably be more appreciated.
> graham getting a pint poured on his head:)
> >
> > actually fuck it i cant really be bothered to
> waste my time with this
> shit man, you know instead of criticising peoples
> stuff why dont you
> make something better yourself. better yet why dont
> all of you put mp3s
> up somewhere, which you think are examples of better
> work than whats on
> untilted, than let the microsound list decide if
> your in a position to
> be such pricks!!
> >
> >
> >
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