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Re: [microsound] algorithmic hardware

i guess, everything what you are doing is an algorythm:)

On Thu, 5 May 2005, Alex Young wrote:

> If you program patterns on synths, which in turn trigger other synths
> in various ways, you can end up with some unpredictable results.
> This isn't really much different to programming an algorithm.  You're
> still dealing with chains of events - you could think of patterns on
> your step sequencers as subprograms, for example.  I love it when
> hardware/software sequencing becomes chaotic, you can draw chaos out of
> deterministic systems.
> On 5 May 2005, at 11:05, Kim Cascone wrote:
> >> there's no algorithmic use on it, it's all hardware sequencers.  no
> >> max/msp,etc.
> >
> > FYI: you CAN make algorithmic music on hardware sequencers...hardware
> > and algorithms are not mutually exclusive
> >
> --
> homepage: http://alexyoung.org
> music: http://noise.me.uk
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