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[microsound] [OT] RE: [microsound] PD installation
> i recently downloaded PD and am having a real headache installing it.
> The version i have is the one that is not compilled and the
instructions arent that clear to me as
> i am not familiar with unix i.e.
For beginners, I recommend the Pure Data Extended version, which is
precompiled and includes most of the externals available. For OSX, get
the .dmg file; for PC, .exe. The package has it's own installer. It's
not the latest and greatest version of PD, but it works fine.
Also, you may want to take any questions or problems you have to the
Pure Data discussion lists. You can find them at
http://puredata.info/community/lists/. It's a very active list with lots
of experts there who can help you out.
Christopher Sorg
Multimedia Artist and Instructor
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Columbia College Chicago
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