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[microsound] Melbourne: this Thursday at St Jeromes ... Uber Lingua

This Thursday at ST JEROMES, Australia


bP's birthday is on the fifth of the fifth, oh five this year, and as
Raceless had his birthday just over a week ago, we figured let's have a
double celebration.... To top it off, Jerome has just announced the addition
of additional bottom end sound to his PA system, so there's now three things
to get silly about...

Djing on this very special night are:

Steve Law, doing a rare DJ set of 'other people's music', he will pull out
much Asian music, mainly from Japan and other sonic tones that will reveal
new sides of the personality that became famous in the mid 90's for his work
as Zen Paradox on Ollie Olsen's Psy Harmonics label. Of course Steve has
gone from strength to strength since then, working under the name given to
him by his parents, and collaborating within such acts as BLACK CAB,
TERMINAL QUARTET and HIGH PASS FILTER.... Don't miss this one...

Reikira also, partly seduced by the sonic ways of Japan (after a recent
trip), yet with a very different bent, she also has a solid collection of
Latin American, and European sounds in the Dub-Hop vein... Some would
describe her style as alt.groove, however we feel the new sub woofer will
reveal new things about Reikira's selection.

SVD (Norway) returns to St Jeromes once again, this time with toons inspired
by the world of football (soccer to the uneducated)... scavenging thru his
Scandinavian sounds, Finnish, Swedish, Danish and Icelandic stuff (alongside
Norwegian of course) emanates from his soul...

Zaibatsu (SBS, Environ) plays his regular selection of left brain
accessibility meets jaded electro re-works... Hip Hop, Electro, Balle
Funk... you name it...

Birthday boys Raceless and bP will obviously play killer sets that will go
down in history, as well as their regular collaborator Saigon Sausage...
with a possible surprise guest of two thrown in to play a few tracks...

When: This Thursday 050505 from 6pm to 1am
Where: St Jeromes, 7 Caledonian Lane Melbourne CBD
More info: http://www.uberlingua.com/melb

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