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Re: [microsound] being 'political' in non-verbal music
I'll jump on the "context is everything" bandwagon, myself.
Conveying something as specific as your support or disapproval of a
political party or idea through means that use no words (written or spoken)
is really difficult, and I doubt that your message would get through to all
your listeners uniformly. Music is generally better-suited to communicating
feelings, rather than specific words and non-musical concepts. It's context
that gives music its meaning. We are able to tell that this is true because
of the fact that anyone or anything lacking the context of a certain musical
piece will be at least somewhat left in the dark upon hearing it. The same
goes for language. I don't speak German, so if someone talks to me in
German, I only have kinesthetics to utilize in receiving his communication.
Likewise, hearing an instrumental piece with no context for it, I have only
the emotional cues to pick up on. I can hear that it's sad or happy, but not
what it's sad or happy about (unless the music itself makes reference to
another musical piece that I do have context for - I've seen John Zorn do
this once or twice, it's pretty funny).
That said, I have seen some instrumental pieces that I would consider to be
*vaguely* political. Communicating a political message through music can
certainly be done, but there pretty much needs to be some prior
understanding of what's going on in order to really successfully receive the
communication, I think. (Intentionally vague for lack of time to fully
explain myself.)
- QF8