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Re: [microsound] plagiarism

At 18:15 03.06.2005, tobias c. van Veen wrote:

hi Sven,

My new album (with tomas phillips) on and/OAR LIVE entitled "if not, winter"
contains a meta-sonic strategy to the construction of certain tracks. I
wouldn't use the word plagariasm, mind you. Of note, I have a book-length
text on remix culture being published this summer at:


Where is this research for ?
    Are you in academia, a journalist or .. ?

i'm an artist and ex-philosopher (decided against beeing in academia).
it's actually research i'm doing for one of my own artistic projects, where i'm a little
ironically claiming to having build the ultimate copyright-infringement machine.
but it's not a joke but reflection on how social and artistic practices shift
notions of intellectual property and if this practices are maybe the only strong
counter-forces to industry lobbyist groups.
btw, what is a meta-sonic strategy?


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