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Re: [microsound] The Register speaks out on copyright and remix nerds ...
On 7/21/05, Jan L. <jan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> A long last a very sensible article on this ...
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/07/21/creativity/
eh- i didn't think it was too sensible.
> Why do the computer evangelists have such a hard time recognizing originality, when
> for the rest of us, our lives can be transformed in one sublime instant by hearing it?
this is garbage! supporters of these licenses can recognize
originality as well as anyone- they just are not interested in
monetizing it. they are interested in *sharing* instead of purchasing.
the hard part for people like dvorak or orlowski is to release their
minds from their economic dungeons.
i don't think they can grok, "not everything has to be a financial transaction."
> And why the reluctance to think about social agreements that reward the gifted people who
> give us such pleasure?
social agreements- what? is he talking about an ice cream social?
copyright is a law, originally set up to induce artists to produce
more work. copyright law has been taken over by corporations [like
pretty much everything else] and reframed as a way to generate revenue
for the corporation [see mickey mouse]. under the current system
artists do *not* get compensated fairly- the money all goes to the
managers and pr people and ceo and ...
ask anyone who's been in a band that got 'signed'- how much of the
money for their performances [live and on record] do they every get to
\js [ http://or8.net/~johns/ ]
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