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[microsound] Re: London project

i think the london project isn't just a matter of
expressing solidarity and sorrow with those who
suffered (as this expression/connection on its own
certainly justifies a project in the same veign
regarding cities in iraq, towns and villages in acheh,
etc. etc.) 

it is different then this. in that, like the madrid
project, it is a response to an act of terrorist
violence *seemingly* off-the-grid (the grid being
largely the U.S. and the middle east, to simplify
things... as grotesque as this is all becoming...).. 

and in this way, as it is being done by a community of
sound art/music which is largely 'glitchy',
anti-aesthetic in a way, etc. (that is in some
important ways, certainly subversive or at odds, at
the least, with the mainstream smooth n'
consumer-rockin' power-popcorn sounds of the dominant
Let's-Go-Baby! humanist-white-wash order), this act of
the 'community', does something else then the usual
affirmation of artist-solidarity would. 

that affirms the event in a certain difference, i
think. in a way, which, I think, very much alludes to
the violence in iraq, etc. but addresses, almost
confronts its 'spill-over' if i may for a moment
(perhaps "externals" as they like to say in the
corporate world, would be better), in other

and so the materialization of microsound (as a very
real sign of a certain kind of subversion), with an
act of memorial here (when the dominant tone is not
very much about mourning by the way), inscribes this
situation differently then would be possible if a
microsound project were done regarding Iraq, or Acheh,
for that matter. 
a different project very much... not sure that either
makes any more sense then the other, ultimately.. but
do think that there is a kind of appropriateness here,
that would be far more difficult to adequately connect
with, on its own right, in the name of all the
violence in iraq or Acheh for that matter... Those
would, I feel, need to be far more monumental and
intensive then can be achieved here... 

Largely because the duration of repression and extent
of death and murder does make a difference, I am
afraid, in how we understand disastors, historically,
etc. Though, each human's suffering is no different.
(perhaps a contradiction, but a neccesary one). 


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