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Re: [microsound] microsynaesthesia

Having followed this thread, I think what's lacking in
our language is a proper term that represents an
artistic use of trans-aesthetic mappings. 
"Synaesthesia" only gets overuse because we don't have
a better word for such explorations between senses. 
To me, the most interesting AV work does not directly
correlate between sight+sound, but shows a disjunction
between the two, and opens up a space of unexpected
relationships.  I say we leave Synaesthesia to the
victims and scientists, and find our own term that can
be overused.


--- "P. Lasell" <p_lasell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Now if someone can figure out how to invoke a state
> of synaesthesia
> without the use of heavy-duty psychedelics we'd be
> on to something.
> Good point about mental associations vs.
> synaesthesia, that's more
> accurately what musicians and artists shoot for.
> it'd still be cool to
> taste a Rothko.
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