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[microsound] Re: london project

It seems to me that the disconnect between
london/madrid and the war in Iraq is manufactured by a
media that seeks to promote the validity of the war. 
By using the term terrorism, the leaders and the media
create a conceptual detour that prevents the
understanding of these acts as acts of war.  "Terror"
is a technique that is used by those who are at war
but lack military power.  
Nevertheless, it is inhuman to compare the suffering
of one victim to another.  Numbers are irrelevant. 
The essential fact is that humans are suffering, and
we should therefore feel sympathy.  The original
sentiment was, I felt, a noble one.  I would encourage
people to propose projects based on their favorite
location of suffering.  I feel it would be difficult
to bring all the conflicts of the world into one
project.  Also, in terms of art and politics, it is
far more effective to show the world conflict through
the lens of a specific event.

Andrew Benson

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