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Re: [microsound] London project
dear all,
yeah its interesting that at any time when one gets
near any kind of identification with people who might
feel a bit pissed off / humiliated / worse by USA and
co 'foriegn policy' etc then we sudenly have to give
some kind of bullshit assurance that we still think
the attack son usa and uk soil are really bad.
well of fucking course. but how come only we have to
justify this? you dont see bush/blair doing this do
you. moral majority c****.
sorry if this is a bit emotive. but it is rather
shocking. and raw, i mean i was in the west end on
saturday. i'm not suprised its happened, but i am
shocked by the brutality. anyone who cant see links
between this and what goes on in 'third world'
countries, and has gone on for years, well, i dont
know what to say its like saying that if you burn
shittons of carbon it doesnt pollute the earth, it
sort of feels like its a bit criminal to say somehting
like that but, as in domestic policy, there will be
links between experience and behavour. like, when the
metropolitan police totally fucked up on the racist
murder of Steven Lawrence, and of course not
forgetting the poeple who did it, it sent a pretty
clear message to people, maybe more particularly black
people, that you weren't safe any more.
if anyones interested they could check out
as i mentioned, i'm working on some images as well as
being a bit of a sounds/music kindof person.
if there is some kind of space for uploading images
etc then can it be restated, as i may have missed it.
the image i was thinking of sending was a combination,
at a stencil level, of us army trucks in iraq and some
kids in hoodies in the uk. looks better than it
right at work now so better go.
--- roberth <roberth@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> very insight email from both zander.nord and
> christos.
> alot of deep thought here. thank you
> robert
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Christos Carras" <ear@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 2:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [microsound] London project
> > Zander.Nord wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> In Iraq it is "just happened" every day. A
> connection on only one side
> >> does not lead anywhere or communicate anything.
> >>
> >> Why not attempt a real healing connection, do a
> combined London-
> >> Fallujah-Madrid-Baghdad project.
> >>
> >> Or does that feel like a threatening and
> dangerous proposal?
> >>
> >>
> > the connection would be at the level of
> expressing disgust at the
> > reduction of the human being to an expendable
> unit.
> >
> > maybe also at the absolutely basic level of pain
> and death as universal
> > experiences.
> >
> > but i'm afraid that we might be lead by virtuous
> feelings to believe that
> > we are "connecting" when in fact we aren't.
> >
> > i say that from the perspective of working
> precisely in the context of
> > cultural projects that seek to make connections
> amongst peoples of the
> > middle east, north africa and southern europe.
> >
> > i don't think that in the north - west we have
> ever really tried to
> > understand the view point of these regions:
> precarious economic situation,
> > very limited space for what we understand as civil
> society to express
> > itself in, a feeling of frequent humiliation and
> anger at double standards
> > applied by the west etc etc. and that's in
> peaceful countries. i don't
> > think i can possibly claim to connect (other than
> in sympathy) with gaza
> > or fallujah.
> >
> > maybe that's why you're right that it is in effect
> a threatening proposal.
> >
> > [i trust that i don't need to add that i am
> revolted by what happened in
> > london {and madrid, and new york}...but i guess i
> just did..]
> >
> > cc
> >
> >
> >
> >
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