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[microsound] synaesthesia
i think it's really suspect when people start throwing these words
around carelessly -- they just become 'buzz words' in the old sense.
terrible! a great way to suck a word dry of its meaning.
synaesthesia is a very fascinating -- but also very specific --
phenomenon that i don't think should be muddied in order to make
someone's A/V show seem cooler than it may otherwise be.
ok. but that happens with all kind of terms. think about
'experimental' or 'electronic' or 'laptop music' and so on and so
don't these terms sound ridiculous sometimes?
does it not always depend on HOW?
here is my point though -- perhaps not so much in terms of
'experimental' (though that is a fairly fluid term)... but definitely
if we're talking about 'electronic' or 'laptop music' -- no matter how
many geeks bandy the terms about, they are still true. you would no
sooner call pearl jam 'electronic' than you'd call johnny cash 'laptop
music' for the simple fact that they aren't. it'd be like calling an
apple a dog.
what we are talking about here very specifically is the use of the term
'synaesthesia' to describe something which isn't.
as an extreme example: it's similar to saying your pimple is a cancer.
it takes things beyond the true and meaningful.
warmest regards,
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