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Re: [microsound] This Is No Two-Bit Music Player
\js wrote:
The music itself is all 1-bit and is generated by software written by Perich.
is this accurate? wouldn't 1 bit music just be on or off? [0 1] can
you get tone gradations out of 1 bit?
Absolutely. CF Pulse Width Modulation synthesis. You use a rectangular
wave to create the sounds, which is essentially different combinations
of ON and OFF. I have an old pinball game soundchip which creates sound
in this way, and it has a "noise" generator, an LFO and a VCO all built in.
___|||_|||||__||_ [loop as needed for tone]
The sounds created are pretty full-spectrum, seeing as they come from
rectangle/square waves. The ratio of hi/lo (0 or 1) determines timbre,
the number of cycles determines pitch.
derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl
---Oblique Strategy # 10:
"Allow an easement (an easement is the abandonment of a stricture)"
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