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[microsound] VA - Norberg 2005 Field Mixes - 2005 HVBR (electro-ambient) free net release
Hi there,
You can find a free HVBR mp3 field recording based album, of which i
was involved with here:
Electro-ambient field mixes from Musictrade's field recording project
focused around Norberg 2005 electronic music festival in Norberg,
The idea was to collect field audio material from different
environments and situations and later on share the material and work
it into an album. Recordings were made both in Norberg itself during
the festival and on various locations around the world visited by
Musictraders on their way to Norberg and back home. Plenty of
interesting field material was captured, and overall the project was a
big inspiration for all involved. It took only a month after the
festival for this album to materialize, with contributions from five
Musictrade artists.
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