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Re: [microsound] robert henke
It is not such a bad thing to use recognizeable effects/instruments.
Brilliance is just as much in the application of ideas as it is in the
innovation of them. Two guitar players will use the same guitar and effects
rack differently. Sure, cliches chould be avoided, but even programs such as
Live, or even FruityLoops or Reason can be used in unexpected, virtuosic
ways. In fact, contrary to previous posts, Live is not used primarily to
make 'German Techno,' but is more a simple DAW-style application with fairly
general effects that has an incredible user interface. People who use Live
are scattered across a large array of styles and appreciate its immediacy
more than anything.
Besides, can't the idea of 'classic' sounds (i.e. tb-303, tr-909, dx7, moog,
etc) transfer equally well to software? It shouldn't be inappropriate to
fetishize software instruments, simply because they are not constrained by
physical scarcity.
If the only thing that makes electronic musicians good are their unique
effects, then there's really not much to the actual music, is there? I've
spent weeks building 'unique effects' in Pd, but without content to put
through those effects, they're pretty damn boring.
On 10/13/05, Kassen <kassen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Adam Young wrote:
> >
> > Rather than interesting structures and motivating music it was all
> > very boring rhythms fed through trademark ableton FX...
> This is interesting, I think. I'm asuming for the moment that "trademark
> ableton FX" here counts as a negative point. I see what you mean too; if
> you hear the same effects all the time then you will get tirered of
> them. I too generally prefer listening to people's home-build unique
> effects and instruments but this case is interesting since Henke
> programed the Ableton effects himself.
> Would this count against a open source, sharing, additude towards
> homebuild instruments? Of cource it wouldn't have changed his set as
> such but it would aparently have changed the preceived uniqueness of
> some sides of it; as far as I know the Live effects started their life
> as MAX/MSP patches on Henke's computer.