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Re: [microsound] Salvatore Sciarrino

Le 22 nov. 2005 à 16:50, Paulo Mouat a écrit :

I would strongly suggest:
- Un'immagine d'Arpocrate (my favourite)

I heartily second that recommendation. It is, for me too, the piece of Sciarrino that I prefer (although I've only heard a fraction of the music written by this crazily prolific guy...)

It's on an Accord CD, coupled with the Caprices for violin. It might
be hard to get ahold of the item, though...

If you like that kind of thing, you'd probably like most of Luigi
Nono's post-1980 works.

Regarding this: "La lontananza nostalgica utopica futura" (for violin, live electronics and tape) is absolutely fantastic.


Guillaume Grenier - grenier.g@xxxxxxxxxxxx

"Things are more like they are now than they ever were before."

(Dwight Eisenhower)

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