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[microsound] [OT] album suggestion: bodysong soundtrack

no, it's not microsound, but it's amazing, and i think a lot of
microsound members will dig it... having just seen the movie of the same
name ('baraka' of the the body), i bought the soundtrack. an awesome mix
of 20th century orchestral music, contemporary glitch electronics and
digital processing, early 70s miles davis-esque wall of sound
psychedelic free jazz assaults, polyrhythmic african musics, dirty
breakbeats, atonality, and ethereal beauty, done by radiohead guitarist
jonny greenwood. top notch work that has not left my computer since i
bought it... inspiring and insatiable.  it really makes you go back and
reassess all the latest radiohead material, particularly their
farther-out-there material... pure genius.


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