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Re: [microsound] thunder and soft... may be OT
thanks everyone for the software tips. heres hoping i can manage something interesting out of it...
Malte Steiner <steiner@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> my laptop may be dead but then so is the voyager space probe they say...
I second pixeltango and pd/gem/pdp/pidip in general. I got the
opportunity to meet and work together with their creators at this years
Piksel festival in Norway and saw stuff done with it in a incredible
quality. Particular impressive for me was Cyrille Henrys and Nicolas
Montgermonts piece which they done with pd/gem only
another very interesting software, which is at the moment only for mac,
is Keyworx which also includes the possibility for networked performances:
>>>EBM/new beat acts
>>>>fronted performance artists or had lead singers
>>>that incorperated
>>>>aspects of performance art into thier
>>>movememtns...dirk ivens ( the
>>>>klinik ) and that guy from 'a split second' come
>>>most immediately to
>>>>mind ( what ever happened to performance art by
>>>the way?)
>>>>what do people here do?
Lot of people starts to incorporate masked performance again in live
situation, like Konform, Melted Men, Das kalte Ä etc.
Malte Steiner
media art + development
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