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Re: [microsound] making vinyl skip

salut choncey,

i am putting tape on the records to let them play the same grooves. this
works ve3ry well. you just have to take a thick tape like gaffa tape or
something similar.
if you want to be more flexible during your dj-set you may place an object
on the recorddeck to prevent the needle to get more to the center...

hope it helped!
good luck!


jens doering:::::::::: http://www.jensdoering.com/:::::
2av - media art::::: http://www.2av.de/ :::::::::::::::::::
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___David @ Audiobulb___ date ___23.12.2005 16:17 Uhr___

> are you after the tune under the scratches or just the sound of the
> scratches themselves (i.e. from the "silence" pre or post tune....?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "choncey langford" <theeoutfit@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Friday, December 23, 2005 3:16 PM
> Subject: RE: [microsound] making vinyl skip
>> Long shot here-
>> Does anyone know of a way in which to scratch or alter a record to ensure
>> that it will skip in a controlled
>> desired pattern?
>> Similar to locked groove records-never used one personally-but that is
>> what I'm trying to create.
>> choncey
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