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AW: [microsound] Farmer Manual

>>(called simply "Five"
>> from '97), called "ulan bator".

That one was released on fine (then) Austrian label Sabotage records,
before sabotage went on to focus on art-happenings only...

The cd and lp versions differ completely, but both of them are worth
checking out...

So much for related info...


love me for my weirdness, or leave me for your boredom


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Craque [mailto:craque@xxxxxxxxxx]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 12. Januar 2006 16:17
An: microsound
Betreff: Re: [microsound] Farmer Manual

very cool, thanks for the link!

there's a compilation in iTMS with a track on it (called simply "Five"
from '97), called "ulan bator".

that's one cool thing about iTMS... a lot of experimental folk have one
or two tracks up there because they're on a comp or something, makes for

great trolling.


mik wrote:

> bryan garcia wrote:
>> no doubt.  what's up with farmer manual ?   i just got
>> tape beatles.   jesus.  this shit is awesome/.
>> b >G<
>> --- Craque <craque@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> what is Farmer Manual all about?
>>> m
> it's farmerssss manual and i think their best is fsck
> nerd glitchtop pioneers
> site: http://web.fm
> m

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