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[microsound] samples for manglin'/"contest"

(Hope this isn't something that should be on the announcement
list instead; if so, apologies).

A new round of the sound design/production class I'm teaching
(called Making Music With Computers by the college, thus
MMWC for short) starts tonight; focus programs are Ableton
Live and Native Instruments Reaktor; for the first two assignments
in the class, students have to mangle a limited pool of samples
using certain procedures; so that students use the same audio
starting point, I give them a bunch of samples I've made for
them to tweak. I'm also making these audio files (loops, hits,
some field recordings, etc) available to anyone else who wants to
use 'em (links below). If you missed out on them the first
time I posted about this (they're royalty-free), here's the download info:
(Note: these are newly named zips; the old zip locations are no longer valid).

Course info: http://andrew-duke.com/course.html

All I ask is that if you use of my samples in anything that you post a link so
we can check out the results.

A production contest of sorts has been set up by one of the members
on the mnml.nl forum using the above samples I made; here's the thread
if you'd like to read more and/or join in:
Maybe get some Microsound list members involved?

Happy music-makin'/sound-designin'.

Andrew Duke
scoring/sound design/source
Cognition Audioworks label
[Andrew Duke, Foal, Clinker, Granny'Ark]

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