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Re: [microsound] visual artists

i too started with photograpy
and poetry, moved to sf in fact to study
with diane diprima.
and built some instruments
and started a punk band that attempted
a blend of futurists, stockhausen, contact miked
appliances, and the sex pistols.
robert horton
----- Original Message ----- From: "John Hopkins" <jhopkins@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: [microsound] visual artists

while we're at it...

Started early with photography -- my father was a pretty advanced amateur -- used to take workshops with Ansel Adams (him, not me!). but got side-tracked for a decade between engineering school and a corporate position with a major oil company (imperialist vanguard I call it now ;-) -- doing international exploration out of LA -- kept up with the photo as a concert photog, photojournalist and such on the side... bagged corporate USA and went to grad school for a photo/electronic media degree. studied film with Stan Brakhage and have been working in video, film, any camera-based medium, but most importantly, for the last 20 years shifting the focus from materialist framing of work to a more wholistic view -- I don't care what the creative end-product is, I only care about the energy it contains -- so, have been doing facilitation and teaching around concepts of distributed collaboration (networking and creativity are primary keywords) -- where instead of focusing on the material characteristics, I focus on the meta-characteristics of the situation where the creative activity is taking place... that is, what are the dynamics that contribute to an energizing creative experience...

I unfortunately shunned formal music as a kid -- because of being forced to practice clarinet... yuck. so have only listened to and been inspired by music (public radio when living in LA was a great eye-opening experience, as well as WTGB in DC which was eventually shut down by the FBI for supporting the American Indian Movement) radical radio, yep, that and shortwave listening...

another level of inspiration opened up when I met Simon Stockhausen (K-H's son) when exhibition in Germany, and then Mr. Hafler Trio himself, Andrew Mackenzie when I was living in Iceland -- that was a sonic revelation to say the least, and after him generously giving me a whole set of his work on cd and vinyl and tracking the lot of it over a Christmas holiday, WOW! Also, meeting sound artists Rod Summers (initially through the mail-art network), taught me that sound is sound is sound is music is sonic art is ... you name it.

And finally, in the last decade when the computing power became more affordable and both audio and video left the expensive production studio, I've been re-hashing old analog ambient recordings of mine, and playing with everything possible -- doing live streaming performances alot including both audio and video sources remixed in real time using whatever is available in the personal archive and ambient...

Uh... balh blah blah -- visit my site for some samples and such -- would be interested in your feedback (warning -- my media server in Colorado is kaput so I had to mirror all my media to a server in Germany last week, so some media pop-ups may not work, sorry.)

I guess I should note that dropping into a workshop with Mr. Microsound in Oslo a few years back (one of my former students had organized it) was my intro to this community -- thanks Kim!

tech-no-mad::hypnostatic:: with a shattered spine on a slow mend
domain: http://neoscenes.net
travelog: http://neoscenes.net/travelog/weblog.php
new DVD: http://neoscenes.net/aud-vid/video/indeter.html

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