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Re: [microsound] studio monitors

I have both a pair of tannoy reveals and fostex pm1 and I have to say I love the fostex - I got them at a great price, and compraring to the other monitors in the low/mid price range (tapco, behringer, alesis, tannoy, yamaha) for me they are the best, although not the most completelly detailed, but less tiring. But if u wanna spend until 2000, go for the mackies 824 or some adams - both of these are fantastic - I just wish I could afford them.

From: "Jason Hollis" <contact@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [microsound] studio monitors
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 15:39:09 -0600

I used to have JBL 4208's (passive). Good stuff. Blew one out though, and the replacement parts were as much as a new one.
Replaced them with a pair of Tannoy Reveals (the little red ones).
One of the woofs were blown when I got it from the eBay seller, made her buy a replacement, which was only $30.
I like the Tannoys better. Very tight.

~ !J!

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