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Re: [microsound] Microsound tshirt V2 with image
In my modest opinion, a awful t-shirt with a very poor sense of humor :)
on 3/22/06 1:17 PM, steinbrüchel at [ADRESS] wrote:
> i don't see why the term "academic" should be relevant for any sound
> relating to the microsound area. besides i'm also wondering a bit about
> the term "electro-acoustic music". all to descriptive for my taste...
> and yes, i do have a "sense of humor" (at least i think i do :)
> ralph.
> Am 22.3.2006 14:13 Uhr schrieb "phoenSND" unter <phoenelai@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> props on the new shirt. its funny and a bit nerdy.
>> you gotta love it. I think it still might be nice to have the URL or
>> .microsound on the back
>> doesnt have to be a huge font or anything.
>> excellent job!
>> phoen+
>> On 3/22/06, /ced <famous@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> sorry, image available here :
>>> http://www.jerevequejedors.com/v1/microsoundV2.html
>>> hello,
>>> the first t-shirt had his little success, so i decided to show you a new
>>> idea.
>>> it is based on the original idea by Trond and i've made the design.
>>> so if some of you are interested i can propose it on my website to order.
>>> (i hope i can include the image with this mail...)
>>> cedric.
>>> ps : this V2 version require "sense of humor" library installed.
>> --
>> [dissecting audio w/ sonic possibilities]
>> ----------------------------------------------
>> http://www.phoensnd.com
>> mailto:phoenelai@xxxxxxxxx
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