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Re: [microsound] striated and smooth (was: music is the ultimate incorruptible)

--- nick knouf <nknouf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> But could it be also that "improvisors" (in your
> terminology, if I  
> understand it correctly, non-academic and
> non-deterministic  
> performance) don't have access to how they created
> their work?  

no, that is definitely not the case in this later
period of improvisational music that i am involved in:
most people have thought through their techniques.
while on the micro level small shifts are
undetermined, on the macro level idea is shaped by
previous parameter decisions. whether or not you can
call it free improvisation is debatable. but i like
what stephen had to say: the improvisation is not
recorded. it is always in the future or just coming
into the present -jg

> it is, to use the over-used term, instinctual?  That
> perhaps  
> "composers" who use non-deterministic practices do
> so with a defined,  
> pre-determined purpose in mind that exists before
> the work is heard?   
> For improvisors, the non-determinism happens on the
> spot; while there  
> is definitely much that goes on prior to the
> performance to lay the  
> ground for the improvisation experience (and is
> determined in some  
> sense), the actual experience itself may take place
> without the  
> improvisor knowing exactly how it happened.  This
> leads to a lack of  
> access to the process itself.  Not bad, just what
> happens.
> nick
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j.ff gbk




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