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Re: [microsound] music is the ultimate incorruptible
On 3/16/06, erik schoster <ejschoster@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> It would be nice, maybe, if music for
> some reason allowed us to step outside of every power structure and exist on
> some completely egalitarian plane. As much as this is often the intention,
> I think we have to be brave and realize that it's very very difficult to
> realize.
well, in some way 12 serialism is based on this idea- no pitch [class]
has more emphasis than any other. while there has been some good music
written this way, a lot of it is less than aesthetically satisfying [i
once read an interesting article on this, comparing cage and
shoenberg- how one is total control and one is total non-control and
yet they both sound about the same ...].
i think there's very little in the experience of life that is
egalitarian so we shouldn't expect music to be this way either.
now don't misunderstand, i'm sympathetic to anarchism [emma!]: but the
'holy grail' of all things being somehow equal is not something i have
a lot of experience with [in this life ...].
\js [ http://or8.net/~johns/ ]
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