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Re: [microsound] Podcast feedback?
On 16/04/2006, at 0:57, Thomas Ashcraft wrote:
Hi. For initial feedback sake as per your request: Using
Firefox as browser.....clicking on the blue "podcast" bar produces
a Firefox alert box message that says : "Firefox doesn't know how
to open this address, becasue the protocol ( itcp) isn't associated
with any program."
OK, a little (only a little) manual work should do the job here.
Ctrl-click (or right-click) on the link. Select "Copy Link Location".
Go to iTunes. Select "Advanced -> Subscribe to podcast". Paste the
link into the text field.
And that's it.
Otherwise, I suppose Safari would pop-up iTunes automatically, but I
don't use it much - I'm more of a Firefox guy. And no, I don't know
how your mileage may vary with other applications.
So, yeah, I suppose a direct link to the RSS would be fine -
otherwise, everything's fine with me. I'm currently listening. Should
have a clear idea by tomorrow.
Hope this helps! - TA
devslashnull wrote:
Anyone with a spare minute and some interest in the music at
CommTom could help us test out a new Podcast we are producing.
The link is on the main page at http://www.commtom.com
Just looking for feedback on the presentation etc.
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