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Microsuoni is an italian distro while iXem is (was) a collective of electronic musicians generally focusing on electroacustic and "experimental" music.
Probably the most representative minimal units were Z.E.L.L.E. (Nicola Catalano and Maurizio Martusciello's project) and Fantasmagramma (Francesco and Marco Leoci's group). They both have records out that you'd better give a listen to.
Luigi Turra (aka Esa) is also focusing on minimal reduction with music released on cdrs and on sinewaves (an Italian netlabel):
xo00 from Otolab (a fine collective of electronic video and audio artists) is also experimenting with sounds and flash animation in a minimal way which is worth checking: http://www.otolab.net/
A nice article (although a bit dated now) can be found here:
More to come...



Arielle Saiber wrote:

Hello all,

I'm curious to know who is producing (labels, sound artists, popular music realm) microsounds (classic minimalist, lowercase, glitch, blip hop, etc.) music in Italy. I am a prof. of Italian literature and thinking about how Italy fits into the landscape of this form of electronic music.
I know http://www.microsuoni.com/ and http://www.ixem.it/ , but I am not clear on who is doing what.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Best wishes,
Arielle Saiber
Bowdoin College

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